Publications List
- Simon, B., T.-Y. Chen, G. Lewandowski, R. McCartney, and K. Sanders. Commonsense computing: What students know before we teach (Episode 1): Sorting.
In Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Computing
Education Research (Canterbury, U.K., Sept. 9-10). ACM Press, New York,
2006, 29-40.
- Chen, T.-Y., G. Lewandowski, R. McCartney, K. Sanders, B. Simon, Commonsense Computing: Using student sorting abilities to improve instruction. In Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) Technical Symposium, March 2007.
- Lewandowski, G., D. Bouvier, R. McCartney, K. Sanders, and B. Simon. Commonsense computing (Episode 3): Concurrency and concert tickets.
In Proceedings of the Third international Workshop on Computing
Education Research (Atlanta, Sept. 15-16). ACM Press, New York, 2007,
- Simon, B., D. Bouvier, T.-Y. Chen, G. Lewandowski, R. McCartney, and K. Sanders. Commonsense computing (Episode 4): Debugging. Computer Science Education 18, 2 (June 2008), 117-133.
- Simon, B., Bouvier, D., T.-Y. Chen, G. Lewandowski, G., McCartney, R., Sanders, K., and VanDeGrift, T., Commonsense Computing (episode 5): Algorithm Efficiency and Balloon Testing
- Lewandowski, G., D. Bouvier, T.-Y. Chen, R. McCartney, K. Sanders, B. Simon, and T. VanDeGrift., Commonsense Understanding of Concurrency: Computing Students and Concert Tickets, Communications of the ACM (July 2010)