
Publications List

  1. Simon, B., T.-Y. Chen, G. Lewandowski, R. McCartney, and K. Sanders. Commonsense computing: What students know before we teach (Episode 1): Sorting. In Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Computing Education Research (Canterbury, U.K., Sept. 9-10). ACM Press, New York, 2006, 29-40.
  2. Chen, T.-Y., G. Lewandowski, R. McCartney, K. Sanders, B. Simon, Commonsense Computing: Using student sorting abilities to improve instruction. In Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) Technical Symposium, March 2007.
  3. Lewandowski, G., D. Bouvier, R. McCartney, K. Sanders, and B. Simon. Commonsense computing (Episode 3): Concurrency and concert tickets. In Proceedings of the Third international Workshop on Computing Education Research (Atlanta, Sept. 15-16). ACM Press, New York, 2007, 133-144.
  4. Simon, B., D. Bouvier, T.-Y. Chen, G. Lewandowski, R. McCartney, and K. Sanders. Commonsense computing (Episode 4): Debugging. Computer Science Education 18, 2 (June 2008), 117-133.
  5. Simon, B., Bouvier, D., T.-Y. Chen, G. Lewandowski, G., McCartney, R., Sanders, K., and VanDeGrift, T., Commonsense Computing (episode 5): Algorithm Efficiency and Balloon Testing
  6. Lewandowski, G., D. Bouvier, T.-Y. Chen, R. McCartney, K. Sanders, B. Simon, and T. VanDeGrift., Commonsense Understanding of Concurrency: Computing Students and Concert Tickets, Communications of the ACM (July 2010)